Home Recipes Essential Spices

Essential Spices

bowls of spices

I think we can all agree that spices make food taste better. If you don't season your food, you're doing yourself
and your loved ones a huge disservice. Don't be that person, please. Life is too short to eat plain food.

There are a ton of spices to choose from. There's a lot of debate on how many there are actually, but most food experts will agree
that there are THOUSANDS of spices in the world.
You may be wondering which ones you should keep in your cupboard, especially if you're new to cooking.
Plus, some spices can be pretty pricey. So now what?

Well, have no fear! I got you fam. You don't need a whole spice cabinet to enhance your meals. A lot of what you need
will depend on the kind of dishes you'll spend most of your time cooking, but here's a list of 10 spices
that are very versatile (and inexpensive)!


  1. Black Pepper
  2. Red Pepper Flakes
  3. Oregano
  4. Cumin
  5. Onion Powder
  6. Garlic Powder
  7. Cinnamon
  8. Ground ginger
  9. Tumeric
  10. Paprika or smoked paprika

Stay spicy, my friends

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